Happy Hump Day Blog Helpers!
Happy Hump Day! If you don't know, hump day is for confessions.
I confess..
Today we are having a Cereal Bar at work so I am more than likely going to be running around all day. Which means sadly part of my email will be neglected until I get everything set up. But Cereal!
It was not originally my event, but when the sister you wish you always wanted asks you to help out, you rise to the occasion. (Watch out for a post about my cereal bar!)
I still have not written my humor paper for my creative writing class because I have not felt very creative lately. But now I have to write and another paper that I have to check the syllabus for.
Can I also just say that I do not like my Creative Writing teachers form of grading because I don't know if she has been receiving any of my emails, nor do I know what my actual grade is because she does not use the schools system. It is very frustrating!
I keep checking out Elevate Everyday's blog and Facebook for more Elevated updates. I still have to book a hotel and get my car ready for the drive to Cali, but none of that matters yet. I still have to find a cute outfit and request the day off of work.
I am so far behind on Life After 5's comments and emails. I promise you guys I will get caught up on them this week! Thank you for your patience, and thanks to all of you new followers! You guys are helping my grade out a ton!!
I put 6 books in my amazon wish list today. I thought about buying them all too, but convinced myself not to until I finished reading one. I think I am lying to myself about the amount of will power I truly have.
All of my plants at the office are dead. They were doing so well and then BAM! They all died. Except for Fern, the not an actual fern but I still call her that, in my bosses office that I am surprisingly keep her alive.
I need to go to happy hour after the first part of this week happened. And by happy hour I secretly mean all of the margaritas with chips and salsa!
It took me 3 different times to edit this post because blogger hates me and converted everything to not the way I wanted it.
Lastly, if you didn't catch it in the title of the post, I need your help! I have to do my very first Vlog and I have no clue what to do it on! Should I do a Q&A? A review on a product or show? Make a recipe? There are so many options that I just have no clue! Are their any experienced vloggers that can help a girl out?
OMG i can't keep the plants at my office alive either! the poor things... i either water too much or not enough.