Feminist: (fem-uh-nist) 1. adj- Advocating in social, political, legal and economic rights for women equal to those of men. 2. noun- An advocate of such rights.
I believe in equality. I believe that women and men should be paid fairly for the position that they are in. If two people are doing the same job and have the same qualifications, why should one be paid more than the other? I should not have to worry about a male being hired in at a higher salary for the same job that I have been doing 5+ years, because I am a female.
is equal too. I
believe that all love should be treated equally, because in the end who cares
about who is in love with whom. We should all have the right to marry and
create lives with whomever we see fit. Whether a person loves men, women, or
men and women should not matter. Love should not be defined by law.
believe in choice. No
one has the right to tell me what I can and can't do to my body, especially not
a group of 50 year old senators (both male and female) or any one in a
religious entity. Others beliefs are important, but so is the right to choose. Should
a person not believe in abortion, or the use of contraceptives, and chooses
abstinence until marriage, that is their choice to make. Only you can decide to
do that, no one can tell you otherwise. But let's be real by saying I have no major religious barriers and am an adult who does not practice abstinence,
so it is my choice to make sure I have options to make those decisions about my body. In the
end we should be able to choose what we as individuals can do to our
always means no. In
any situation, no always means no. Not maybe, or you didn't stop it so
you must have wanted something. It still means no if I didn't knowingly and in
right mind say yes. Ladies don't think that it is only about you,
because 1 out of 33 men has been a victim of a form
of rape. And if you have a problem figuring if a person is giving you
consent, maybe take some advise from here.
I am
not a piece of meat.
I should be allowed to wear the clothes I want and not be told that it
is inappropriate because someone may get the wrong thought.
No one tells men that they can't wear muscle shirts, wife beater tank tops, or
their pants that sag below their ass because it will cause woman to have
"impure thoughts". So why is it that I have to make sure none of my
clothes are too form fitting or show too much skin because it looks like I
asking for it? I'm not saying that we should all walk around in bikini's and
not expect some reaction, but I should not feel like a piece of steak in front
of a lion should I choose to do so. No one person should have to feel
scared to walk to their car at night or to be in a house by themselves.
I can
do anything you can do. And sometimes I can even do it better! It sucks being a girl
to go and get the oil changed in your car. Why? Because girls are treated
differently because of the stereotypes placed on women's knowledge of
cars. Little does that mechanic know, I know the $200 they are trying to
charge me to change my brakes is a rip off, because I can change them myself
for $40, and I do. Women can work in warehouses; we can lift things, and build things
just like the best of the boys. Just like men can sew, wash, and cook like the
girls. Politics is still going to be politics no matter who is in charge. Guess
what we all can do things equally; we may or may not want to, but we can.
don't want to take away power; we just want a piece of the power too. I know that some of this may seem a little vague and more toward the egalitarian /humanism side of the spectrum, but really if you can't support feminism, how can you support the others?
Are you a
feminist or no? Why?

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