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Friday, February 27, 2015

20 Blog Post Ideas

  1. Play a game of MASH!
  2. Make a list of "Never have I ever" 
  3. Make a list of your all time favorite movies.
  4. What Actors or Actresses would be characters in a movie about your life?
  5. Have a Q&A session with your spouse or child. 
  6. Write a post from your pets point of view. 
  7. Where is your favorite place to be?
  8. What is the worst pot you have ever written, how would you fix it now? 
  9. Make a list of things you're an expert at. 
  10. Make a list of things you suck at! 
  11. Cover a news story or media event. 
  12. (insert age here) things you still don't know about at (your age).
  13. Make a birthday/monthly wish list.
  14. Review a new item. 
  15. Describe an object without telling us what it is, reveal the item later.
  16. Make a list of 10 blogs readers should follow.
  17. What is the hardest choice you have ever had to make?
  18. Make a list of 10 things you have learned from blogging. 
  19. Do a Throw Back Thursday with Pictures from your childhood. 
  20. Make a list of shows we should be binge watching.
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1 comment:

  1. These are fantastic post ideas! I'll be using several of these for sure.
